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Validating Digital Truth

Understanding the value of Trokt's NeoPublicTM blockchain technology does not require a degree in quantum physics.  


Democratizing Truth

In the simplest terms blockchain is a technology concept, based on the idea that “truth”, which is to suggest “digital truth”, must be disconnected from any intermediary that has the potential of unchecked bias or influence on that "truth"






Real digital truth should be transparent and democratized in a way that all vested parties can agree with that “truth” in a simple and verifiable way.  It is common that blockchain technologies are often referred to as "digital ledgers" since the record of all transactions are captured in an immutable form of accounting.  

Neo-Public Prop

Our NeoPublicTM Value-Proposition

Some blockchain purists argue the ONLY way a blockchain can maintain true immutability is by being completely open to anyone - in other words, fully public.  Others argue there are many advantages blockchain technology can provide in a private or permissioned state.  Just like in everyday life, there is near zero probability everyone will agree on everything.


So, how does all this boil down to making an educated determination on whether there is merit for a blockchain application within your enterprise?


Our NeoPublicTM network structure provides valuable data encryption services, data processing services, and electronic data storage services in three ways (hover over image):








Trokt's Neo-Public blockchain consists of a limited and pre-approved number of nodes and utilizes SHA-256 cryptography which is the same level of hash cryptography used by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA).


Unlike using miners in a public network, where cost will fluctuate as a function of the mining community's interpretation of value and the cryptocurrency market underpinning the public network, the cost to write to Trokt is consistent while still incentivizing node operators to remain engaged.


Trokt distributes Node operation to known & approved entities. Any  operational change of a team has no negative impact on the wider network. This distributed operation means the services provided to an end-user are never dependent on any one company.

Data Security
Price Security
Network Performance

The Trokt platform leverages the core elements in blockchain technology and applies them in a manner that eliminates many of the challenges other public and private blockchain applications encounter. 

Network Architecture

Trokt Digital Truth Network

Trokt provides both the network flexibility and industry specialization needed to meet any customer needs by aligning each full Node with industry-specific governance.  Any Trokt user may participate in the Node  Governance Committee (NGC) that aligns with their use of the Trokt network.  Each NGC is responsible for ensuring that the features and uses of its full Node are optimized for the needs of its industry.  

Trock BC network Infographic_linear.png
NGC in market vertical
Trokt Digital Truth Governance

Each NGC is automatically included in any governance activity taken on by the Digital Truth Governance Committee (DTGC) that impacts the quality of the wider network.  Using Ostrom governance principles, every NGC has the ability to both prevent any DTGC changes or upgrades that could negatively impact its users and support network improvements that will better support all Network users. 


Digital Truth Governance Committee

The Digital Truth Governance Committee (DTGC) provides the Trokt network with a permanence that can only come from distributed responsibility. In addition to including representatives from each NGC, the DTGC relies on the experience of world leaders in the fields of governance and collaborative truth.


Chairperson Angie Raymond

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IU Ostrom Workshop

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Linda Seely

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American Bar Association


Dan Rainey

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Des Moines | San Francisco | Washington, D.C.

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